Ice cream Recipes with sweetened condensed milk - Best Milk Recipes

Ice cream Recipes with sweetened condensed milk

Make Delicious Two-Ingredient Ice Cream, No Machine RequiredIf the weather near you is like it is here, it's ridiculously hot and a cold treat can take the edge off the summer heat. Thanks to Instructables user doodlecraft, this ice cream recipe can hold the heat at bay, and you don't need a machine or a ton of ingredients to make it. It's simple and easy.

All you need here is two cups of heavy cream (or heavy whipping cream) and one can of sweetened condensed milk. It's a bit similar to this older two-ingredient ice cream recipe we've features, just a bit more decadent (that recipe uses honey and cream) and smoother after it's set up. If you have a standing mixer or hand mixer, you can use that to combine the ingredients until they're thick and creamy (otherwise you'll be whisking for a while). Put the whole thing in an airtight container and pop in the freezer overnight.

When your ice cream has set up, it'll be a smooth and creamy and ready to serve with whatever toppings you want. If you're feeling creative, you can add candy bar bits, nuts, or anything else you like in your ice cream before you freeze it, or afterwards sprinkled on top. Hit the link below for more photos of the process, or check out some of our other ways to make quick homemade ice cream and beat the summer heat.


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