Recipe condensed milk Fudge - Best Milk Recipes

Recipe condensed milk Fudge

After successfully making 5 minute cookies and cream fudge, I had to of course tackle a Nutella version.

This recipe is just as easy. Stick everything in the microwave for about 1 minute, stir, pour into a pan and let it set and it’s ready to go.
I couldn’t decide whether to leave the top plain or decorate it with chopped hazelnuts. I ended up decorating half my pan and leaving half plain. I like both versions.

The Nutella flavor isn’t too prominent because it’s mixed with the chocolate, so the hazelnut pieces helps bring out the Nutella flavor.
Because of the oils of the Nutella, this recipe is best left in the fridge until it’s about to be eaten, otherwise it can get sticky and oily when it sits at room temperature too long. I decided to wrap some in gold foil as gifts, like the gold foil you have to tear when opening a jar of Nutella. I always love opening that foil; it’s like opening a present.


1 cup Nutella
2 cups semisweet chocolate chips
1 (14 oz) can of condensed milk
optional: 1/2 cup of chopped hazelnuts


1. Combine Nutella, chocolate, and condensed milk in a large glass mixing bowl. Microwave for about 30 seconds and then stir to help everything combine. Microwave for about another 30 seconds and mix again until chocolate is completely melted and mixed. You may need to microwave slightly longer, but make sure not to overcook the chocolate.
2. Line an 8 x 8 inch pan with parchment paper. Pour fudge mixture in and attempt to even out top and smooth with hand. If using, sprinkle hazelnuts across surface and press down slightly into the fudge. Refrigerate for an hour or more to set. Remove and slice. Keep uneaten portions in fridge to keep from getting slightly melty/sticky. Due to the Nutella oils, this will get sticky and oily at room temperature.


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