Eggless sponge cake recipe condensed milk
Now add half of the dry ingredients and half of the milk and gently fold it. Then add the rest of the dry ingredients and the remaining milk, lemon juice and mix gently. (pic-3 and 4).Now the cake batter is ready.
Spoon the batter into cupcake moulds and bake in a preheated oven for 30 minutes (180 degree C) or until a toothpick inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean.If you do not want cupcakes, then bake in an ordinary cake pan.
Allow the cake to cool and then decorate it with butter icing if preferred.For butter icing recipe and eggless vanilla sponge cake recipe using yogurt, refer the link below. Do not click the picture.
More Egg less Cake Recipes
Note - Those who do not have oven can also bake any cake with eggs or egg less using the pressure cooker method. Check out .
Do you know that you can also steam cakes. Refer
If you do not have cupcake moulds, you can still bake cupcakes using paper cups. Refer my made using paper cups.
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